Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I was kidnapped tonight, but in no way was it a bad experience.

I got home from work later than expected. The restaurant I work at closes at 10, but the last table didn't leave until around 10:30, so after finishing all my closing duties I headed home around 11. I arrived to be greeted by my sweet roommate, Jen, and we began telling each other about our day. A few minutes into our conversation we heard someone at the door. Thinking it was Erin, our other roommate, we continued our conversation. Then we heard voices. It was definitely not Erin. All of a sudden Ashley and Ashley come busting in the house. "Get in the car, we're going to the mountain to watch the meteor shower!" With little time to disagree we hopped in the car and made our way to the top of the mountain in town. When we made it up we discovered we are not the only people around who enjoy stargazing. There are two other cars waiting to watch some shooting stars. The four of us climb onto the VW Jetta (two on the hood and two on the roof) and wait for the show. All of a sudden, WOOSH! We see our first meteor. It was beautiful! But that wasn't even the best part of the night.

As we sit waiting for more stars to fly across the midnight sky, three girls approach the car. We begin talking, and living in a small town like we do, discover we have mutual friends. We continue talking and the next thing you know an hour has gone by. Meanwhile, another car has pulled up and its passengers approach the car and we begin a conversation with them, too! It was a father and his children. He told us that he lives at the bottom of the mountain and he could hear us screaming and laughing all the way at his house! We were all having such an awesome time enjoying each others company and enjoying the beauty of the great outdoors.

As I sit here I am in the midst of appreciating an answered prayer in the works. The prayer was for community. This past semester me and my roommates, Jen and AC, became close friends with 3 guys- Kane, Tyler, and Branden. And let me tell you, the Lord was in those friendships. Those girls and guys were an answer to a serious prayer of mine. But, college isn't forever, and Kane and Branden graduated in May. Not only did they graduate, but one moved to Texas and the other Colorado. Of course I am still friends with those guys, but now that they have moved we obviously don't get to spend the amount of time together that we used to. It was hard to experience such awesome community for such a short time, but once again God demonstrated His faithfulness to me. I had been praying for what I've been calling "Girl Community" since I found out the guys were moving away. It has been on my heart since the beginning of the summer. As I was sitting on the hood of Ashley's car surrounded by five awesome girls it dawned on me: This is what I've been praying for.

God has proven His goodness and faithfulness in my life time and time again. I am so excited to watch as these friendships grow in the Lord. Already He has begun answering my prayer and the semester hasn't even started yet. :)

"...when a believing person prays, great things happen." -James 5:16

1 comment:

  1. Rach- I'm so looking forward to reading your blog, too. It's a beautiful way to express our heart to one another and the outside world. It is such a blessing for us all to be part of this "Girl Commmunity" together. I can't help but realixe that the last five letters of community actually spell "Unity." We are united in Christ Jesus. He is our Commonground. He is our Rock. I'm so glad you've come back into my life. Already, I'm looking forward to next week. Love you all!
