Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Humility vs. Pride and Some Thoughts on Responsibility

I just need a listening ear...

I got in a car accident two Thursdays ago, and have been without a car ever since. However, life goes on. I know I am a busy person, but it dawned on me last week just how busy I am. I work, go to school, am a member of campus groups, and attend younglife. While my sweet roommates were so gracious in allowing me to borrow their cars when they weren't using them, we all lead busy lives and have things to do, and it is not their responsibility to tote me around. Sometimes I feel guilty when asking for help, like I'm being a burden, and other times it simply comes down to my selfish pride. I often take myself and my agenda too seriously, and get annoyed when I cannot do things when I want. I am the queen of making a mountain out of a mole hill. Last week was very trying. Just because I didn't have a car didn't excuse me from my commitments, but I had to miss some and now I have to face the consequences. That is a hard pill to swallow because I feel like I'm being held accountable for something I had no control over. My pride causes frustration, but I am called to rise above that. Here is a bit of insight to my prideful nature:

I like to be independent and do the things I need and want to do when I need and want to do them, and I don't like being at the mercy of others in trying to accomplish tasks. I don't like asking for rides, I don't like asking for help, heck... I don't even like working in groups on school assignments. I want to do things my way on my time. But here is the truth, when I set my pride aside I remember: it is not about me. I have to be more understanding in that there are consequences for everything that happens in life whether those things are self-inflicted or by cause of someone else. In life, we must always be willing to roll with the punches and be big enough to lay our pride down and accept responsibility when we are called to. When life gets hectic, we are faced with obstacles, and we sometimes have to accept responsibility for situations we don't want to take the blame for we must remember to be ever humble, courageous, and live in love because we serve a mighty and faithful God. Oh, how He loves us!

"But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do,
what God is looking for in men and women.
It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor,
be compassionate and loyal in your love,
And don't take yourself too seriously—
take God seriously." -Micah 6:8

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