Last Friday Jen, Anna Catherine, Erin, Ashley, and I left for the lake. Anna Catherine's family has a lake house on Lake Weiss in Centre, AL and was gracious enough to let us stay there for the weekend. We had the best time! Our first night we watched movies, went out to eat, and just spent time together laughing and enjoying ourselves. Erin had to work in the morning, so she left early the next day and headed to Jefferson's. The rest of us got up and went to the ultimate in breakfast cuisine: Waffle House. The rest of the day was spend inside due to rain, but none of us were disappointed. It was such a cozy day that allowed us to fellowship and wind down from the previous week of school. Christina came later that night, and after playing a few rounds of dominoes and other fun games I didn't think the weekend could get any better. Then Sunday came, and it was one of the most memorable days of my life.
Sunday, September 20, was my 21st birthday. When I woke up my sweet friends had made yummy blueberry muffins, put a candle in mine, and sang me happy birthday. I felt so special! It was such a great way to start the day. After breakfast we got dressed and headed to Little Rock City to have church on the mountain. Lake Weiss is located near the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, so there are a few mountain ranges that people will come and explore. When we got there, we walked up to a series of boulders and climbed them to the top where we found a clearing overlooking the lake and surrounding area. There is no telling how high up we were, but it felt like we were on top of the world. Right there, on top of the world, we started our church service. No rules. No rituals. No denomination. Just five women seeking after the Lord, and guess what? He showed up. :)
Anna Catherine brought her iPod dock, and we spent some time in worship. "How Deep the Father's Love For Us" by Sarah Sadler came on, and it was one of the most incredible moments in my life. To listen to her sing, "How deep the Father's love for us, how vast beyond all measure" while looking out on His vast creation knowing he loves me even beyond all that is in front of me still humbles and amazes me. After singing a few more songs, we got to spend some time in the Word. Ashley lead us to an account in the book of John (v. 15-19). We got to share our hearts with each other and spend some great time in prayer. Then, we shared the most beautiful thing I have ever had the privilege to be a part of. Five college women got to lead each other in communion on top of the mountain that day. I have no words for the infinite meaning that communion holds in my life. The whole experience of having church on the mountain is something I am so thankful to have been a part of. It was the best birthday I have ever had, and I am so glad to have spent it with such sweet friends and an even sweeter Lord.
"When two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I'll be there." -Matthew 18:20
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